Why Your WordPress Website’s XML-RPC is Being Targeted for Brute Force Attacks

XML-RPC, which stands for XML Remote Procedure Call, is a protocol that has been an integral part of WordPress since its earlier versions. It facilitates remote communication between a WordPress website and external applications. Essentially, XML-RPC allows for the execution of procedures remotely over a network by sending XML-encoded commands via HTTP. In the context of WordPress, this means that users can interact with their site without needing direct access to the backend through traditional methods, such as logging in via a web browser.

One of the primary advantages of XML-RPC in WordPress is its ability to support remote publishing. This allows bloggers and content creators to post articles to their WordPress site from various platforms and devices, such as smartphone apps or desktop publishing programs, without needing to log into the WordPress admin dashboard each time. Additionally, XML-RPC enables the WordPress mobile app to function seamlessly, providing users the convenience to manage their website on-the-go. Besides, it allows integration with third-party services, which can streamline workflows by automatically updating content, pulling in external data, or even triggering actions on the site based on external inputs.

Despite its utility, XML-RPC has its complications. Developed in the early days of the internet, the protocol is somewhat dated compared to more modern REST APIs, which offers a more secure and efficient way to communicate with WordPress sites. Nonetheless, XML-RPC remains a critical component for backward compatibility and for users who rely on certain functionalities that have yet to be fully transitioned to newer technologies.

As the digital landscape evolves, so too does the scrutiny and the methods of vulnerabilities identified by cyber attackers. The prevalence of brute force attacks targeting the XML-RPC endpoint in WordPress is a consequence of its wide usage and some inherent security weaknesses. Understanding its role and function is crucial in taking preventive measures to secure one’s WordPress site against potential exploits.

The Mechanism of XML-RPC Brute Force Attacks

XML-RPC, which stands for eXtensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call, is a protocol that allows different systems to communicate with each other over the internet. As a critical feature in WordPress, it facilitates functionalities such as remote publishing and inter-application communication. However, this interface has become a prime target for brute force attacks due to inherent vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited by automated scripts.

Attackers utilize these scripts to send a multitude of requests to the XML-RPC file located in the root directory of WordPress installations. Automated brute force attacks aim to guess username and password combinations by trying numerous possibilities until the correct credentials are found. One particular method that facilitates these attacks is ‘system.multicall’. This method enables multiple commands to be executed in a single request, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency and speed of these attacks. Using ‘system.multicall’, hackers can attempt hundreds of password combinations simultaneously, reducing the time needed to gain unauthorized access.


Statistical data reveals alarming trends in XML-RPC vulnerabilities. For instance, a report from Sucuri in 2022 indicated that XML-RPC attacks accounted for nearly 15% of all brute force attacks targeting WordPress websites. Historical data also shows an uptick in such exploits during periods when new vulnerabilities are discovered or publicly disclosed. This increased attention to XML-RPC underscores the necessity for robust security measures.

The exploitation of XML-RPC highlights a significant gap in many WordPress setups. Despite its usefulness, the lack of proper security configurations makes XML-RPC an attractive target for cybercriminals. Continued vigilance and proactive measures, such as disabling ‘system.multicall’ if not needed and using strong, unique passwords, are essential steps toward mitigating these threats.

Consequences of Successful Brute Force Attacks

A successful brute force attack on a WordPress website’s XML-RPC endpoint can result in significant damage and a wide array of repercussions. One of the most immediate consequences is unauthorized access to the website. Attackers may gain administrative privileges and thereby control the site’s entire backend. This unauthorized access can lead to data theft, with sensitive information such as user credentials, personal data, and proprietary content being compromised.

Further, a compromised site is susceptible to website defacement, where the attacker alters the visual appearance and content. This not only tarnishes the brand’s reputation but also indicates to visitors that the site’s security is lacking. Moreover, attackers could use the site as a platform for distributing malware. By embedding malicious code, they can infect the computers of visitors, which can rapidly spread across a network, causing widespread harm.

Brute force attacks are resource-intensive, consuming vast computational power which can significantly slow down server response times. This degradation in performance can result in a poor user experience, driving away visitors and affecting the site’s search engine rankings. In severe cases, brute force attacks can lead to denial-of-service (DoS) conditions, making the website inaccessible to legitimate users.

The implications for website owners are far-reaching. The loss of user trust is perhaps one of the most damaging outcomes of a successful security breach. Users who perceive a site as insecure are unlikely to return, leading to decreased traffic and engagement. Additionally, there can be potential legal ramifications if sensitive data is exposed, especially if the website fails to comply with regulations such as GDPR or CCPA. This could result in hefty fines and legal fees.

Lastly, the financial costs of resolving a security breach are formidable. These costs may include forensic investigations, remediation efforts, implementation of stronger security measures, and compensations for affected users. The total financial impact can be overwhelming, particularly for smaller businesses.

Best Practices for Securing XML-RPC on Your WordPress Site

Securing your WordPress site against XML-RPC brute force attacks is crucial for maintaining a robust and reliable online presence. One of the fundamental steps in this direction is to use strong, unique passwords and usernames. Avoid common usernames like “admin” and ensure your passwords are a complex mix of letters, numbers, and special characters to make it more challenging for attackers to guess them.

Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security, making it significantly harder for unauthorized individuals to access your site. This involves using a secondary device, such as a mobile phone, to verify the user’s identity during the login process. Many plugins can facilitate this, such as Google Authenticator or Authy.

Configuring your firewall to restrict access to the XML-RPC file can also mitigate the risk of attacks. You can achieve this by setting server-level firewall rules to block all incoming requests to the xmlrpc.php endpoint or by using a web application firewall (WAF) that monitors and filters HTTP traffic to your web application.

Regularly updating WordPress and any installed plugins is essential for security. Developers frequently release patches to fix vulnerabilities, so keeping your site up to date can help fend off potential exploits targeting outdated software. Additionally, always use plugins and themes from reputable sources to minimize the risk of introducing malicious code to your site.

If your website does not require the XML-RPC feature, consider disabling it entirely. This can be done by adding specific code snippets to your theme’s functions.php file or using plugins designed to disable XML-RPC. If disabling it is not an option, consider using security plugins that can limit its functionality and monitor for suspicious activities. Plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security offer features that can protect against XML-RPC attacks.

Ultimately, regular security audits are vital. As a website administrator, make it a routine to review your site’s security measures, ensuring that all safeguards are current and effective. By implementing these best practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of your WordPress site becoming a target for XML-RPC brute force attacks.